Our Human Resources Policy:
Our Ezel Tekstil human resources policy; The company knows that in line with its mission and vision activities, economic development and stable development in every field will take place with good and happy employees. It exhibits a fair, transparent, forward-looking and principled attitude within the limits of merit. of its employees; leader, constantly improving, visionary, has business ethics and morals, high performance and has the spirit and understanding of Ezel Tekstil; The company aims to be highly committed, productive, healthy and happy in her daily life as well as her job.
In this direction, our main strategies are;
In the process of employment and post-employment performance; Adopting the policy only “the right person for the right job” in all processes, without any discrimination based on race, language, religion, gender, political thought, belief and similar reasons,
Being aware of the importance of the concept of health within our own business fields and fields; To create a peaceful working environment by leaving no missing points in terms of work, worker health and safety,
By dividing the training needs of the employees into classes in the areas they specialize in or want to specialize in, facilitating the learning process and keeping their performance above the standard,
In order to protect all personal rights of employees and to improve these rights _cc78dcf58d__cc783b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc78dcf58dcccdeb-cc78dcf58cdeb-cc7819__debbc78319 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ work,
Providing support to all employees in terms of morale, motivation, goal setting and development, regardless of white, blue or gray collar,
To make promotion, seniority and wage arrangements by evaluating the personnel in our group for the new positions that have been created or to be formed,
Employees without feeling pressured; To encourage open communication without allowing anything that may be a pressure factor in order for them to be productive, developing and developing,
In order to effectively share the spirit of Ezel Tekstil with all our employees and to indicate that they have a stake in operation, both during and outside working hours; To contribute to stress management by organizing social activities, meetings and recreations,
To provide the best revision for our employees by following modern and pragmatic human resources practices through our expert personnel,
Acting with the principle of “approaching people humanely” can be listed as taking an active role in the integration of any process, application or investment that may be beneficial to employees.
The “Chief Employee Representative” has been elected for white and blue collar employees to represent employees in occupational health and safety, performance of the job and all kinds of work-related issues. As stated in the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, the duties and authorities of the said representative elected by the workers working in the workplace are as follows:
One or more workers, who are authorized to participate in the work related to health and safety in the workplace, to monitor the work, to request measures, to make suggestions and to represent the workers, serve as the health and safety worker representative.
Except for occupational health and safety; Social and fringe benefits, economic rights, work and business-related problems and complaints of all kinds, and the representative of the chief employee is authorized to try to solve them by using his discretion, if he can. Issues that cannot be resolved or that concern the company as a whole are referred to the board of directors.
For blue-collar employees, there are also employee representatives for each business.
chief employee representative and employee representatives; They fulfill the following duties assigned to them in order to ensure work peace, to maintain and observe the balance between the employer and the employer:
a) To ensure cooperation and work peace between the worker and the employer in the workplace,
b) Examining the demands and complaints made by the workers, convincing the worker in unreasonable demands and complaints, reflecting the demands and complaints that the employer deems reasonable at his own discretion (The representative cannot be punished due to the discretion used in these complaints),
c) To try to resolve the disputes that may arise between the worker and the employer amicably,
d) To find solutions for problems that may arise in the implementation of the provisions of a contract, if any, and to bring the matter to the employer after consulting the workers, if necessary,
e) To try to prevent illegal attempts and behaviors within his own authority, not to take part in such attempts and behaviors,
f) To regulate the relations of unionized workers with the union, if any,
g) To strive for the smooth execution of the contract implementation,
i) To fulfill other obligations given to him by the legislation.
* If the employee representatives cannot solve a problem, they are obliged to bring the problem to the chief representative.
* While providing a safe working environment and conditions for employees, General Occupational Health and Safety trainings that require the participation of all our employees are organized by our company at regular intervals.